Friday 28 September 2007

Of Christian celibrity divorces

The issue of the Christian celebrity divorces has been in the news for some time now. It’s created a huge uproar round the world and many comments have been made about them. Randy and Paula White announced their divorce a day after the altercation between Bishop Weeks and Prophetess Juanita Bynum.
For me, and without any prejudice, these men and women of God have got no business creating this furore. They may have experienced some level of distress, stress and discomfort in their marriages but which marriage does not go through similar issues anyway. Every marriage has got its own challenges and your ability to overcome them makes you more mature and positions you to be able to council others. What business have you got counselling others when you can’t counsel yourself? In any case what people in developed worlds call stress and challenges are what people in developing worlds go through everyday without any problems at all. They are used to it and just overcome them or just ignore them. Actually people in developed worlds go through worse things than that and still stand firm. Some are even not Christians but they do not break their covenants because of that.
The laws of circular world are different from that of the children of God so we have to be careful not to mix circularity with Christianity. I don’t care how nicely they can justify themselves, it is wrong in the sight of God and that is it. The fact that you can explain away or justify yourself in the presence of men with sweet talks does not change the truth. The fact that the circular world has laws to support that doesn’t change the truth. Let me tell you this, there are laws to support gay people and perverted sexual activity but does that make it right in the sight of God?
Some say God hates divorce but loves the divorcee. Well let’s check from scriptures. God hates lying and what happened to Ananias and Saphira? The Holy Ghost slayed them on the spot. The God we serve is a God of love but what many people forget is that he is also a God of judgement so we take his love for granted.
Who knows if these marriages were their crosses for them to carry? They had no business following popular opinion. Let me tell you this, in Daniel chapter three, there were three Jewish boys in scripture who were confronted by Nebuchadnezzar who asked them to bow to the graven image or face the fiery furnace. Listen to me, they were not the only Jews in the land, but the others had bowed to the image that Nebuchadnezzar did. These boys, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, purposed in their minds that they will not bow down to the pressures of their generation, they will not bow down to everyone’s opinion, they will not bow down to the pressures of the king, but were ready to stand firm for God. They were ready to go through the fire even if God would not come through for them. I am sure the rest of the Jews had very sweet excuses to justify themselves; to explain away their refusal to stand for God, but these 3 boys were ready to carry their cross. Randy, Paula, Juanita and Bishop Weeks have not resisted to the point of death yet. These boys went into the fire and Jesus met them in the fire. Daniel went into the lion’s den and God met him there. Joseph went into prison and God met him there. If these men and women of God had carried their crosses instead of find a cheap way of escape, they would have met God and even moved higher in their ministries. They would have met God and he could have helped them minister to a lot of marriages. The bible says that “Having done all, stand”. After ministering so powerfully in the world, God expects them to stand, but they decided to take the easy way out. You should be able to submit yourself to the word of God and not hadden your heart. why Juanita going about pretending that she is an angel of the Lord. Newton's third law of motion says " Action and reaction are equal and opposite". What did she say that caused the Bishop to react violently?
Watch this

Monday 17 September 2007

False Christian leaders

Acts 17:10-11
"And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
These were more noble than those in Thesalonica, in that they received the word in all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so".
It is the duty of every believer to search the scriptures to see it it is so. You have to believe the word of God as it is preached, yes, but it's also your duty to verify it.
When a Preacher is preaching, he is displaying charisma, when he goes home he displays character.
Matthew 7:16 says "ye shall know them by their fruits". If one says he is an apple tree, then he should show us the apple fruits on him. The fruit should be all over him so that any one who sees it will know that this is truly an apple tree. So look out for the fruits of anyone calling himself a man of God so that you don't get deceived. Don't just buy the charisma. Some are wolves in sheep's clothing. There are so many charlatans around and judge their fruits with the word of God. Don't follow all the hype.
If you look at currencies or money as an example, there will be no fake dollars if the original does not exist. The reason why you can see the fake one is because the original is there for you to compare with. This means that the existence of the fake confirms the existence of the genuine. This man's confession only goes to tell us that the original does exist only that he allowed himself to be used by the devil. This shows how desperate the devil is. Watch this:

Lying evangelist exposed.

God have mercy on people like him. For the souls of all that he has deceived will cry for judgement against him.

Friday 14 September 2007

Divorce of the ministers

Thank God for fathers in the ministry. Thank God for Bishop T.D. Jakes. Thank God that he is counselling all these ministers who are divorcing Read . Thank God for fathers who will do every thing in their power to make sure all is well with their children and in the whole of Christendom.

As we all follow this celebrity divorces taken place, the question that comes to mind is that are these preachers telling us that we should do what they say and not what they do? It is said that Doctors are the worse patients. Is this the same with Preachers and Ministers of the gospel? Why do we know how to tell people to humble and obedient to Christ even unto death yet we don't know how to do the same? What example are we setting?
I know that if you have a successful marriage, then it is by grace. I also know that it takes two to tango. So that when problems begin in a marriage, then both parties contribute to it getting out of hand or it cooling down. It is never an issue of one party. If one decide to meet hate with love, the one bringing out hatred will eventually give up if the other is willing to endure. There is too much of "I know my rights" in developed countries so that every one be comes a captain in the ship. This means 2 captains cannot control one ship so one has to leave.
It is said that when America sneezes, the whole world catches a cold. Well we refuse that because we are not taking this. This is below the belt. Let the ministers of God put their house in order. This is shame to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Was Bishop Weeks set up? Where do you find all this in the Bible anyway? Which part of the bible teaches this or am I the only one thinking this way?

Public or private divorce

Where did all this love go?

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Paula and Randy White

Hi, View these videos. If we are the light of this world, where is our light? And if we are the salt of the earth, where is the taste and preservative properties that we are supposed to have. This may seem to be isolated incidents but I tell you, it's an attack of the enemy on the institution of marriage. I have seen a lot of negative comments being made by people on the Internet. The so called angels of the Lord and holier than thou people coming out with all sorts of attacks should be extra careful. Beloved, if you have a successful marriage, then it's just by grace, so don't boast and attack someone who is struggling in his. Rather let us pray for them.
The Bible says that from the time of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. we have to take back this institution by force.
I am calling out for a global prayer for both couples. I mean Juanita Bynum and Bishop Weeks as well as Randy and Paula White. Let us pray that they will be able to overcome this storm in their life. That they will be able to sort out their differences and come back together.
Unto both of them I say weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes with the morning PS30:5. The storm will soon be over and whenever you go through a test, know that God is about to promote you. The best is yet to come.

What example are Christians of today setting for the unbelievers?

18 year marriage in trouble

Randy White weeps

Breaking news

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Monday 10 September 2007

Juanita Bynum, Bishop Weeks iii, Paula and Randy White

It looks like a lot of Christians today seem to be more interested in passing judgement than examining the spiritual implications of what is happening to the institution of marriage. The current divorce proceedings taking place between Juanita Bynum and Bishop Weeks iii as well as Paula and Randy White has brought about a lot of criticisms and attacks on the integrity of these Pastors. All believers world wide have been affected by this.
The unbelievers have had a field’s day with these stories and it has brought reproach on the kingdom of God. For me, I see this issue between Juanita Bynum and Bishop Weeks iii as well as Randy and Paula White as tools that the enemy is planning to use against the institution of marriages. Paula and Randy White announced their divorce proceedings last month where as Juanita has just declared “she could marry her husband twice but this one is over” marry-twice,
I believe that these people have been a blessing to many people round the world and this is the time they need our support. This is the time that they need our prayers. This is the time that we have to pray and tell the enemy that his plans will not stand; neither shall it come to pass Isaiah7:7. He cannot destroy marriages in the world, he cannot destroy these marriages. We have to pray our hearts out until something happens. We don’t have to rest till we see the hand of God move.
The Bible in Matthew 5:31-32 frowns upon divorce and remarriage. In any case we have to pray for them and give them all the support they need. They must also realise that they cannot remarry if they decide to divorce so they have to think carefully and not explain things away as they are used to doing.

According to religious-news, Bishop Weeks iii has been asked to step down, my question is why are we so quick to judge? What happened to forgiveness? It is totally wrong for us to find it easy to pull people down. He who has no sin let him throw the first stone. Those of us praying for them are hoping that they will come together again just as Bishop Weeks said in

We are also entreating them to stop washing their dirty lining in public but rather handle things privately. The people criticising do not have a clue the amount of pressure involved in being a Pastor with worldwide following. All those pressures go a long way to affect their marriages.

Juanita speaks out 1

Juanita speaks out 2

Juanita Bynum: I forgive my husband.